Best Citizenship for Money in Europe:
Malta vs. Cyprus vs. MontenegroWhere to "buy" citizenship in Europe? The opportunity to legally obtain citizenship for money is offered by three European countries at once: Malta, Cyprus and Montenegro. But which option is right for you? Let's try to figure it out.

To become a citizen of a European state, you need to apply for a passport and citizenship in the relevant jurisdiction. The process and conditions for obtaining citizenship vary from country to country. As a rule, a candidate needs to live in such a country for a certain number of years, thereby confirming the establishment of a "stable connection" with it, and pass a special test (assesses knowledge of language, culture, laws and society) ... This immigration route is named as follows: citizenship by naturalization.Another option is citizenship through marriage. This immigration route will take less time. But only if the marriage is recognized by the court as fictitious, citizenship can be annulled. You can also serve in the army of the receiving state for a certain time, gaining the opportunity to apply for his citizenship and passport and obtain the status of a citizen even faster than through marriage. But the fastest and easiest option is citizenship by investment. Malta, Cyprus and Montenegro are 3 European countries that currently offer this opportunity. The table below summarizes the most important facts about all three Citizenship by Investment programs. With its help, you can quickly spot the differences between them and find the best option. Based on this information, you can decide which scheme is best for you.     
                                                      Montengro                                        Malta                                                               Cyprus                      
Year of the launch of the European Citizenship by Investment Program201920142013
The official name of the schemeCrnogorsko Državljanstvo PrijemomIndividual Investor Program (IIP)    Cyprus Investment Program (CIP)
Total minimum cost€ 350 000€ 880 000€ 2 150 000
Return on investment in real estate€ 250 000it is possible to make a returnable investment in real estate (instead of rent) * in the amount of € 350,000, but in this case, the total minimum cost will increase to € 1,150,000€ 1 500 000
Quota2000 (total)1800 (total)700 (in year)
Investment optionsDonation + returnable investment in real estate


or Investing in a business in the agriculture, fishing / wood processing industry

Donation + bonds + real estate lease or returnable real estate investmentDonation + Residential Property for Lifetime Ownership + Returnable Investment in Residential Property


Donation + Lifetime Residential Property + Returnable Investment in Business, Commercial Real Estate or Securities

Visa-free countries123183173
Personal visit requiredyesyesyes
The right to use the visa-free regime when traveling to Schengenyesyesyes
Eligibility for Visa Waiver Travel to the UKnotyesyes
Eligibility for Visa Waiver Travel to the United Statesnotyesnot
Eligibility for Visa Waiver when Traveling to Canadanotyesnot
The right to use the visa-free regime when traveling to Russiayesnotnot
Eligibility for Visa Waiver when Traveling to Chinanotnotnot
EU membershipcandidateyesyes
GDP per capita, USD (World Bank 2017 data)4,7712,521,65
Wealth level - GDP per capita, in dollars (World Bank 2017 data)7 67026 94525 233
Population629 thous..432 thous..1.1 mill.
Time for issuing a "golden passport" (months)3126
Residence conditions3 weeks12 months6 months
Double citizenshipyesyesyes
Oath ceremonyyesyesyes
EU citizenship / passportnotyesyes
Publication of names and surnames of citizens in the official newspapernotyesnot
Public debt in billion, euros0,7130,5271,045
Income tax15%35%35%
Corporate taxes9%35%12,5%
Basic VAT rate19%18%19%
Real estate prices in the city center (m2) on average (data numbeo)€ 1,397€ 3 282.01€ 2 049.00
Number of tourists per year2,2 million2,6 million3,9 million
Due diligence of candidatesStrictVery stringent enhanced due diligenceStrict
"Transparency" of the program "citizenship by investment"Very highVery highAverage
Passport validity (years)101010
Biometric passportyesyesyes
Eligibility to enter government service / Nominate / Voting in local and municipal electionsyesyesyes
Voting rights in elections to the European Parliamentnotyesyes
Honorary Citizenshipnotnotnot
The ability to transfer citizenship by inheritance to representatives of the next generationyesyesyes
Passport reissue fee, in dollars3057080

*If you apply for citizenship at a minimum cost, you will have to rent the property, spending € 16,000 per year for five years.

In general, it can be noted that the offer of Cyprus is much better than the citizenship by investment of Montenegro or Malta. This is undoubtedly the best scheme for migrant investors in the world, but too expensive. Only dollar multimillionaires and billionaires can afford this option. On the other hand, Cyprus real estate is now growing in value. Therefore, by issuing a second passport and citizenship for the immovability of Cyprus (5-year returnable investment), Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians can increase their wealth in the future.